

Started in 2012 on a whim and based on a dream one of us had at night, our family decided to open up our own specialty Taiwanese bubble tea shop.

Bubble tea originated in the 1980's in Taiwan, where it became an overnight sensation that spread like fire throughout Asia and made their way to America. We are dedicated to preserving the originality and authenticity of our Taiwanese traditions so we specialize in brewing premium milk teas and other specialty drinks served with the best bubbles so that you don't need to travel to Taiwan to experience the best bubble tea.

Over the years, we continued to learn from experts from Taiwan, experiment, and alter our recipes so we can bring you the best and most delicious drinks. We made sure our ingredients are of the highest grade and passing ISO 9001 quality management systems to ensure from raw materials and ingredients to the finished product, we have the highest quality authentic products to serve you.